If you want a sleek and streamlined, contemporary look for your diningroom and are wondering what kind of contemporary dining room chair or table toget, consider going with Amish designs; you may well be surprised! Consider theBradbury dining room chair, which has a streamlined, no frills, and spacesaving design, with uncluttered, clean lines that please the eye. The Escalonchair is another example of the contemporary chair handcrafted by the talentedAmish craftsmen.
When we talk about Amish furniture, some of us think old fashioned,traditional, even perhaps bulky. Not so! Amish furniture, though still usingold fashioned tool and techniques to build the highest quality furniture, haskept pace with the times and offers more contemporary options than most peoplewould imagine. So if you want a sleek and streamlined, contemporary look foryour dining room and are wondering what kind of contemporary dining room chairor table to get, consider going with Amish designs; you may well be surprised!
The Amish offer many options among contemporary chairs; particularly diningchairs. You don�t have to go for the big old traditional looking arm chairswhich look like (and probably were) designed a hundred years ago. Consider theBradbury dining room chairs, which come only in the side chair styles. Theydon�t have arm rests, have a streamlined, no frills, space saving design, withuncluttered, clean lines that please the eye.
The Escalon chair is another example of the contemporary chairhandcrafted by the talented Amish craftsmen. This is much like the modernladder back chair. It has horizontal slats and bowed legs and comes is twooptions: as a side chair without arm rests or as a head of the table chair,with arm rests. For the complete contemporary look, these dining room chairscan be paired with a dining table of the Caledonia styleor the Brady style to achieve the modern yet timeless look that you may beaiming for.
Another contemporary dining chair option from the Amish could be theCascade chair, which is built with a unique curve to the chair back. This is adesign style that is great not only for its elegant good looks, but also offersexcellent seating support to the back and is great also in terms of actualseating comfort.
The foregoing are just some of the examples of the wide array ofcontemporary chair designs that the Amish offer, there are many more to choosefrom. And that is not all; there are many other options for your dining roomthat you can mix and match to go with the dining chair and table you pick:
Dining room benches are an option that few people consider, though itis both a unique as well as practical option for a dining room or area. Theseare beautiful space savers that can add just that quirky, individualistic touchto your dining room to make it stand out! Many dining room benches also comewith box storage below it, making them even more useful and practical!
Amish barstools are another option thatcan be considered. The barrel swivel bar stool or the Belmont bar stool arepopular options that can serve not only as bar stools for the living room orthe dining room, but also be useful to put up against breakfast counter in thekitchen.
So if you are aiming for the contemporary or the modern look, youshould take a good long look at Amish furniture; you may need look no further!