In a traditional office setting, few of us are given the opportunity tochoose our own office chair, and you may even find some officesituations where people go out of their way to steal the �good chair� inthe office. But with the amount of time that most of us spend in ourseats these days, it is important that you have an office chair that isdesigned for your body, the amount of time you will be spending in it,and just what kind of work you are doing.
If you have ever had to sit for a long period of time in a folding metal chair, then you will realize that not all chairs are alike. It is important that you have a chair that fits the style of work that you are doing. For instance, if you are only doing computer work at your desk, then you will want one that provides you with good back support but is also the right height. This means that your feet should be flat on the ground with a 90 degree angle at your hips and your knees.
Some people move around a lot when they are working. If you are up and down out of your seat all day long, then having an office chair that will rotate is important. These chairs are designed so that you can scoot out quickly and then get right back to work without spending a lot of time on adjusting yourself again.
Recliners and Loungers
If you aren�t prone to spending a lot of time on the computer and you are more apt to be in meetings or on the phone while you are at your desk, then an office chair that is more comfortable and is able to recline or even lounge is almost always preferable. These are considered to be more luxurious than functional, but they should still be designed with your ergonomic needs in mind.
Special Needs
There is also a large class of chairs that are designed with special purposes in mind. For instance, you will find massage chairs, chairs that are designed for 24-hour shifts, and even chairs that are made for either very tall or very large people. You generally won�t find these kinds of chairs at your local office store, but when you shop online